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Inspiring resignation leads to marriage

( Updated: 2015-07-23 13:36
Inspiring resignation leads to marriage

The old man is seen squatting on a chair to guard a manhole cover.[Photo/Sina Weibo]

Old man praised for guarding manhole cover in flood

On July 21, the city of Handan, Hebei Province, was flooding after the heavy rain. In the midst of the floods, an old man became a hero for his bravery.

Li Guangzhou, 60, a security guard of a residential district in Handan, kept sitting besides an open manhole cover for three hours, in order to alert pedestrians and vehicles of the danger.

Li's bravery has received praise from the neighborhood. "He is the most awesome grandpa ever!" commented Internet users, having seen Li's picture online. "He is such a good man," said Li Qiuyun, who runs a nearby parking lot. "The old grandpa has been watching over the manhole cover for more than three hours since the rain stopped."

"I didn't think too much. I was just trying to prevent accidents!" Li Guangzhou said. "It was flooding in front of the neighborhood and the traffic was severely influenced. Several people opened the manhole cover to get rid of the water on the road so I had to guarantee no people or cars would fall in."

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