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Woman gets lost in smog

( Updated: 2015-12-16 11:11

Woman gets lost in smog

The restaurant bill shows the 3 yuan air purifying fee for three customers.[Photo/Sina Weibo]

Restaurant charges air purifying fee

Are you willing to pay for better air quality in public places? A customer in Zhangjiagang, East China's Jiangsu province complained to the local pricing authority about a restaurant charging an air purifying fee without prior notice, Xinhua reported on Sunday.

According to the pricing authority's investigation, the restaurant charges every customer one yuan ($0.16) in air purifying fees to make up for the cost of purchasing and running air purifiers, as they aim to provide a better dining environment amid the worsening air quality in Zhangjiagang city.

The incident triggered a debate online. Many netizens support the idea of paying such a fee only if they are informed of it before dining, while others argue it is the duty of restaurant to offer a good environment.

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