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A mule on the loose

( Updated: 2016-01-08 14:27

A mule on the loose

A banknote of 5,000 won ($4 or 27.5 yuan) in South Korean currency. [Photo from web]

Man fools robbers with foreign currency, saving his iPhone 6

Do you think stupid burglars only exist in movies such as Home Alone? A real case in Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province shows that they really exist and sometimes might be even more stupid than fictional ones.

Three suspects were captured three days after they robbed a car owner of 180 yuan ($27.3) and 5,000 won ($4 or 27.5 yuan) in South Korean currency, which the victim convinced them was Euros and worth tens of thousands of yuan, Qianjiang Evening News reported on Wednesday.

A man, surnamed Wu, played with his iPhone in his parked car on a road side when three robbers broke in. The man was forced to give all the money he had, including some foreign currency, and was later asked to hand over his iPhone.

Wu claimed the foreign currency was Euros to the satisfied robbers and pleaded them to let him keep his iPhone. Taking advantage of the moment the robbers hesitated, Wu restarted the car and escaped.

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