Premier urges Malaysia to continue search for MH370 wreckage

Updated: 2015-01-29 18:10

By Peng Yining and Zhao Yinan(

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Premier urges Malaysia to continue search for MH370 wreckage

Kelly (last name not given), 29, the wife of a passenger aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, holds a picture of her husband walking with Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak, at a news conference in Putrajaya January 29, 2015.  [Photo/Agencies]

Families refuse to accept statement

The families of the 154 Chinese passengers on the MH370 flight refused to accept the Malaysian government's decision to officially announce that the plane has crashed or gotten lost, according to an announcement released on Wednesday on the family commission's blog account.

The announcement said the families of all the 154 Chinese passengers had voted to oppose the decision and said "this cold, cruel, irresponsible practice is violating the international conventions".

"It (The decision to officially announce it was a fatal accident) doesn't benefit aircraft search and investigation of the incident," the families said in the announcement, adding that it cannot appease the families, but hurts the families again.

"We urge the Malaysian side to strictly comply with the international conventions standard, such as the Chicago Convention, and to be serious, responsible, and efficient in investigation and search, and respect the feelings of the families," they said, asking the Malaysian government to "consider giving spiritual counseling and other support for the families who have suffered nearly a year of torment".
