Premier urges Malaysia to continue search for MH370 wreckage

Updated: 2015-01-29 18:10

By Peng Yining and Zhao Yinan(

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Video call was family's final contact

Hou Aiqin, a 45 year old woman who had been visiting Nepal, was on board MH370 returning from her holiday. Due to a limited number of discount tickets, she decided to return by taking China Southern Airlines' flight CZ3101 and then transfer to the ill fated Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

A video call she made to her husband Bai Shuanfu on March 6 is her family's last memory of her. Bai didn't get to know what happened until one of the passengers on CZ3101 said she had lost contact with Hou.

Bai told China Daily that he really missed her and wanted to know where she was. "Did she take enough warm clothes with her?" he asked.

He said he still remembers how he and his wife hung couplet inscriptions on either side of their doors during Spring Festival last year. "I know it is a fact that Hou has left. I just cannot accept it," he said.
