
Foreign and Military Affairs

Full Text: China's Foreign Aid

Updated: 2011-04-21 17:52


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Appendix IV

Six Measures for Foreign Aid Pledged by the Chinese Government

at the 2008 UN High-Level Meeting on the

Millennium Development Goals

(September 2008)

1. In the coming five years, China will double the number of agricultural technology demonstration centers it builds for other developing countries to 30, increase the number of agricultural experts and technicians it sends overseas by 1,000 to double the present figure, and provide agricultural training opportunities in China for 3,000 people from other developing countries.

2. China will contribute US$30 million to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization to establish a trust fund for projects and activities designed to help other developing countries enhance agricultural productivity.

3. China will increase exports and aid to countries facing food shortages.

4. In the coming five years, China will give 10,000 more scholarships to other developing countries and offer training programs exclusively for 1,500 principals and teachers from African countries. China will ensure that the 30 hospitals it builds for African countries are properly staffed and equipped, and train 1,000 doctors, nurses and managers for the recipient countries.

5. China will cancel the outstanding interest-free loans extended to LDCs that mature before the end of 2008, and give zero-tariff treatment to 95% of products from the relevant LDCs.

6. In the coming five years, China will develop 100 small-scale clean energy projects for other developing countries, including small hydropower, solar power and bio-gas projects.


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