
Foreign and Military Affairs

Full Text: China's Foreign Aid

Updated: 2011-04-21 17:52


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Appendix VI

Six Measures for Foreign Aid Pledged by the Chinese Government

at the 2010 UN High-Level Meeting on the

Millennium Development Goals

(September 2010)

1. Helping improve the people's livelihood in developing countries is the primary objective of China's foreign aid. To date, China has built over 150 schools, nearly 100 hospitals, more than 70 drinking water facilities and 60-plus stadiums for other developing countries. China has sent more than 20,000 medical personnel to nearly 70 countries, offering treatment to hundreds of millions of patients. In the coming five years, China will take the following steps in support of a better livelihood for people in other developing countries: building 200 schools; dispatching 3,000 medical experts, training 5,000 local medical personnel, and providing medical equipment and medicines to 100 hospitals, with priority being given to women's and children's health, and the prevention and treatment of malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS; building 200 clean energy and environmental protection projects; and increasing assistance to small-island developing states in the fields of disaster prevention and mitigation to help build their capacity for countering climate change. China will, within the next three years, donate US$14 million to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

2. Reducing and canceling the debts of the LDCs. By the end of 2009, the Chinese government had canceled debts worth 25.6 billion yuan owed to it by 50 HIPCs and LDCs. Moreover, China will cancel their debts associated with the outstanding governmental interest-free loans that mature in 2010.

3. Deepening financial cooperation with developing countries. To help other developing countries counter the adverse effects of the international financial crisis, China has provided US$10 billion in concessional loans to African countries and US$15 billion in credit support to ASEAN countries, including Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Indonesia. China has contributed an additional US$50 billion to the IMF, with an explicit request that the fund should be used, first and foremost, to help LDCs. China will continue to extend financial support of a certain scale to developing countries in the form of concessional loans and preferential export buyer's credit.

4. Broadening economic and trade ties with developing countries. China has worked consistently to create conditions for developing countries to increase their exports to China through tariff relief and other measures. China has made a commitment to phasing in zero-tariff treatment to 95% of products from relevant LDCs. Since July 2010, China has given zero-tariff treatment to imported products from 33 LDCs covering more than 4,700 tariff lines, accounting for the overwhelming majority of the products from these countries. In the future, the Chinese government will give zero-tariff treatment to more products and let more countries benefit from this arrangement, while continuing to encourage Chinese companies to expand investment in developing countries.

5. Strengthening agricultural cooperation with developing countries. China has completed more than 200 agricultural cooperation projects in developing countries, and sent a large number of agro-technology experts to those countries, giving a strong boost to their agricultural development. In the next five years, China will dispatch 3,000 agricultural experts and technical staff abroad, provide 5,000 agriculture-related training opportunities in China, and give priority to cooperation with other developing countries in agricultural planning, hybrid rice cultivation, aquaculture, farmland water conservancy and agricultural machinery development.

6. Helping developing countries enhance their human resources. China has held over 4,000 training courses and trained 120,000 managerial and technical personnel in various professions for developing countries, helping recipient countries build human resources, which are their most valuable assets. In the next five years, China will train another 80,000 professionals in various fields for developing countries. It will also increase the number of scholarships and on-the-job master's degree programs for people from developing countries, and provide training opportunities in China to 3,000 school principals and teachers.

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