
Famous paintings celebrating mother's love | Updated: 2017-05-12 07:00

Have you prepared anything special for your mother to express your gratitude towards her on the Mother's Day, which falls this Sunday? Originally, the Mother's Day was marked as a day on which the ancient Greeks paid their respects to the mother of all gods in Greece, Gaea. But the modern day's version traces its roots to the US when the Congress named every second Sunday in May as the Mother's Day in 1914.

But long before there was Mother's Day, artists have been expressing emotion to their mothers through their brushes. Let's take a look at images of mothers in art pieces.

Portraits of artists' mothers:

Famous paintings celebrating mother's love

Thread in Mother's Hands, by Cheng Wenzheng. [Photo/]

Watercolor painter Cheng Wenzheng remembers that when he was little, he always woke up at night seeing her mother doing needle work under the dark oil lamp. A day in 2007, when he saw the scene again, Cheng picked up his brush, and created this painting. When his mother saw it, she was very happy, saying "That's me", like a child. This is maybe the best expression of love to mother.

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