Thank you & goodbye

2011-07-26 07:53:33

Debt crisis

2011-07-25 09:01:57

Debt crisis

Peaceful South China Sea benefits all

2011-07-25 07:52:08

Frictions over the South China Sea between China and some members of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) have caught the world's attention.

Debate: Homosexuality

2011-07-25 07:52:08

What is or what should be society's view about homosexuality? Two scholars and an activist come up with different answers.

Responsible partner for growth

2011-07-25 07:52:08

China's pragmatic cooperation with neighbors has helped maintain regional stability and common development.

Claim over islands legitimate

2011-07-22 07:40:04

Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines hardly knew anything about the islands in the South China Sea before China's Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Facts are there for all to see

2011-07-22 07:40:04

Disregarding the progress that China has made in human rights, some Western people still criticize it for the human rights condition.

When DaVinci is 'made in China'

2011-07-22 07:40:04

Domestic consumers' insatiable appetite for Western brands appears to be a uniquely Chinese phenomenon unlike other transitional economies.

Curtain drawn on Atlantis

2011-07-22 08:55:47


Carry on spirit of cooperation

2011-07-21 07:54:30

Some have proposed that the sovereign dispute among relevant countries over the South China Sea be raised at the Bali meetings.

US' South Asia policy faulty

2011-07-21 07:54:30

If the US is really serious about fighting terrorism in South Asia, it should treat India and Pakistan more equally.

Europe's debt crisis to affect China

2011-07-21 07:54:30

For more than a year the European Union has been faced with a sovereign debt crisis, which its leaders have failed to resolve so far.