The enigma of EHEC origin

2011-06-13 08:54:02

Closure of N-reactors

2011-06-11 08:11:14

Reform must be incremental

2011-06-11 07:49:01

Many people in the West are likely to say that China has risen as a new economic power but its political development lags far behind and democracy seems to be non-existent. This is a misunderstanding.

Export engine hums along

2011-06-11 07:49:01

We believe that the world's second largest economy has kept its export engine humming and that is a good cause for optimism.

Fixing the system

2011-06-11 07:49:01

The lesson that governments at all levels should learn from the Shanghai fire is that the entire construction sector has to be overhauled, and this lesson is no less important than the one to ensure the culprits are punished.


2011-06-10 07:59:32

Fighting financial cybercrime

2011-06-10 07:59:32

There is a growing financial and economic threat, a threat to all countries, posed by international hacking attacks on computer systems.

Europe should pass IMF baton to Asia

2011-06-10 07:59:32

At the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, the European Union said it had the right to maintain its people's standard of living.

Protecting heritage a challenge

2011-06-10 07:59:32

China's Law on Intangible Cultural Heritage, the first of its kind and implemented on June 1, has been hailed by experts as a milestone.

Services for social cohesion

2011-06-09 07:42:36

Without doubt social management is an indispensable part of China's future development. But the task of social management is difficult.

Real-name ticket system rides into storm

2011-06-09 07:42:36

The railway authority has encountered a public outcry, at the very beginning of its move to practice a real-name purchasing system.

Understanding the CPC's role

2011-06-09 07:42:36

The CPC does not convey the spirituality that gongchandang does, especially because the word "communist" has very different meanings.