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Top 10 most attractive hutongs in Beijing

Updated: 2011-03-09 10:11


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4. Guozijian Street

Top 10 most attractive hutongs in Beijing
Guozijian Street is located in the northwest of Dongcheng district. [yoee. net]

Starting from Yonghegong Avenue in the east to Andingmennei Avenue in the west, Guozijian Street is located in the northwest of Dongcheng District. It is the only hutong in Beijing to feature ancient archways.

The street gets its name from the Guozijian House, which is the home of the Imperial College during the Yuan (1206–1368), Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. Now, visitors still can find many interesting antique stores, tea houses and traditional shops on the street. And because the street lies next to the Lama Temple, the perfumed scent of burning incense fills the air, making the street seem both classical and mysterious.

Travel tips:

Surrounding attractions: Yonghegong Lama Temple, Guozijian House

Getting there: Bus 13, 684 to Guozijian, or bus 116, 117 to Yonghegong;

Subway Line 2 to Yonghegong, Exit C.

3. Mao'er Hutong

Top 10 most attractive hutongs in Beijing
Running west to east from Di'anmenwai Avenue to Nanluoguxiang, Mao'er Hutong is situated in the Dongcheng district. []

Running west to east from Di'anmenwai Avenue to Nanluoguxiang, Mao'er Hutong is situated in the Dongcheng District. First built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the hutong contains many traditional private gardens and famous former residences.

Mao'er Hutong Nos. 7, 9 and 11 are the former house of Wen Yu, a civilian officer of the Qing Dynasty; the No.13 courtyard house is the former residence of Feng Guozhang, one of the major Chinese warlords in the early 20th century, and No. 35 and 37 are the former residence of Wan Rong, the empress of the last Qing Emperor, Pu Yi.

Travel tips:

Surrounding attractions: Nanluoguxiang, former residence of Mao Dun

Getting there: Bus 13, 42, 118, 612, 623, 701 to Di’anmendong.


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