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Top 10 most attractive hutongs in Beijing

Updated: 2011-03-09 10:11


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2. Yandaixie Street

Top 10 most attractive hutongs in Beijing
Yandaixie Street, literally meaning "Skewed Tobacco Pouch Street", is located in the north of Xicheng district. []

Yandaixie Street, literally meaning "Skewed Tobacco Pouch Street", is located in the north of Xicheng district. About 300 meters long, the street starts from Di'anmen Avenue in the east and ends at Shichahai Lake in the west.

The street originally got its name due to its shape, which resembles a huge tobacco pouch. During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), many tobacco stores opened there. Today, visitors wandering along the street still can find many stores selling tobacco pouches, antiques and all kinds of souvenirs.

Travel tips:

Surrounding attractions: Drum Tower, former residence of Guo Moruo

Getting there: Bus 5, 60, 82, 107, 124 to Gulou.

1. Nanluoguxiang

Top 10 most attractive hutongs in Beijing
Nanluoguxiang is located in the northern part of the Dongcheng district. []

Between Di'anmendong Avenue and Gulou Avenue, this north-south street is located in the northern part of the Dongcheng District. Next to the Forbidden City and Houhai, Nanluoguxiang is the most famous and popular hutong in Beijing.

The hutong, first built in the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368), has a history of more than 700 years. It extends over 1000 meters and boasts different kinds of courtyard houses (Si he yuan) and shops, selling unique and elaborate knickknacks. There are also many restaurants, cafes and bars around the hutong, attracting thousands of visitors and locals everyday.

Travel tips:

Surrounding attractions: Houhai Lake, Shichahai Lake, Gongwangfu Garden

Getting there: Bus 5, 60, 82, 107, 124 to Gulou, or bus 13, 118, 612, 823 to Luoguxiang.

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