Syria denies pounding Latakia

2011-08-15 10:09:15

Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) denied Sunday media reports that Syrian gunboats pounded the impoverished al-Ramel neighborhood in Latakia with heavy machine guns.

Iran to start Bushehr nuclear plant

2011-08-15 09:53:35

Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Fereidoon Abbasi said that the first phase of Bushehr nuclear power plant will be commissioned by the end of August if the tests underway are completed.

Gadhafi urges Libyans to fight NATO

2011-08-15 09:35:24

Libyan state television early on Monday broadcast what it said was a live speech by Muammar Gadhafi calling on the Libyan people to arm themselves to liberate the country from "traitors and from NATO."

Somalia to protect aid convoys

2011-08-15 07:13:06

Somalia called on Saturday for the establishment of a new force to protect food aid convoys and camps in this country racked by famine and declared a state of emergency in parts of Mogadishu.

Lawyers press demand in Mubarak security head trial

2011-08-14 20:11:53

The trial of Egypt's former interior minister over the death of protesters in an 18-day uprising resumed on Sunday, with lawyers for the dead demanding the government reveal letters and logs of phone calls to discover who gave the order to open fire.

Protests in Israel against living cost

2011-08-14 09:48:53

Tens of thousands of people gathered across Israel on Saturday to call for lower living costs in an effort to show the government their protest movement has countrywide support.

US, UK urge halt of violence in Syria

2011-08-14 09:21:13

US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron on Saturday called for an "immediate halt of all bloodshed and violence" against the protesters in Syria.

US, British urge halt of violence in Syria

2011-08-14 09:21:13

US and Britian on Saturday called for an "immediate halt of all violence" against the protesters in Syria.

US national kidnapped in E Pakistan

2011-08-13 14:39:49

Unidentified men kidnapped a US national from the Pakistani city of Lahore early Saturday morning, police and neighbors said.

Cuba celebrates Fidel Castro's 85th birthday

2011-08-13 13:30:13

A grand gala was held Friday night to celebrate former Cuban leader Fidel Castro's 85th birthday.

Leaders urge Chinese to be vigilant

2011-08-12 08:08:17

London / Brussels - The London Chinatown Chinese Association held a special meeting to discuss the riots in the UK and issued suggestions on safety.

Global policymakers discuss debt crisis

2011-08-07 14:18:19

Global policymakers held an emergency conference call on Sunday to discuss the twin debt crises in Europe and the US that are causing market turmoil.
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