Mubarak still in Sharm el-Sheikh hospital

2011-04-27 08:32:02

Egyptian former president Hosni Mubarak can't be transferred out of Sharm el-Sheikh international hospital for health and security reasons.

Mubarak's sons to be detained for 15 days more

2011-04-27 08:16:23

Egypt's top prosecutor ordered Tuesday to renew the detention of former President Hosni Mubarak's sons Alaa and Gamal for another 15 days.

Libya urges Russia to call a UN meeting

2011-04-27 07:32:58

Libya urged Russia on Tuesday to call an emergency meeting of the UNSC to discuss what it called the "colonial and crusader aggression" against Libya.

Most Egyptians want Quran as source of laws

2011-04-26 16:56:20

A poll has shown that a majority of Egyptians believe laws in their country should follow the teachings of Islam's holy book.

Cuba starts to audit state-run companies

2011-04-26 11:24:27

Cuba started to audit more than 750 state-run companies across the country on Monday to review their management and legitimacy.

Egypt suspends controversial governor

2011-04-26 11:06:26

The railway service from Cairo to southern Egypt will resume soon as protestors in Qena province decided to end their sit-in on railway tracks.

Over half of Egypt wants end to Israel peace

2011-04-26 09:41:39

More than half of all Egyptians would like to see the 1979 peace treaty with Israel annulled.

UN chief sets conditions for Sri Lanka probe

2011-04-26 09:32:22

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he lacks the authority to personally order a probe into the mass killings of civilians in the final months of Sri Lanka's civil war, as a report recommended on Monday.

Saleh defiant despite exit plan deal

2011-04-26 08:01:26

Yemen's veteran President Ali Abdullah Saleh has struck a defiant tone in an interview.

Birth pangs of new nation

2011-04-26 07:07:48

With less than three months to go, south Sudan faces tremendous challenges after more than 50 years of civil wars with the central government in Khartoum.

NATO: More violence in Afghanistan

2011-04-25 16:39:01

Taliban-led insurgency in Afghanistan would increase in spring and summer this year.

Hundreds escape from Afghan jail

2011-04-25 15:30:10

Taliban insurgents dug a more than 1,050-foot tunnel underground and into the main jail in Kandahar city and whisked out more than 450 prisoners.