WORLD> Middle East
Website: Bin Laden to issue strong message to Muslims
Updated: 2008-05-19 07:34

CAIRO -- The al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden will soon issue a "very strong" message to Muslims all over the world, an Islamic website said on Sunday, two days after an audio message posted on the Internet showed he has vowed to keep fighting against Israel and its Western allies.

"A very strong statement to the Islamic nations by the lion of Sheikh Osama bin Laden" would be issued soon, said the website, without giving further details.

In his latest message released Friday, bin Laden vowed to keep fighting against the Jewish state and its Western allies on the occasion marking Israel's 60th anniversary.

"We will continue the fight against the Israelis and their allies ... and will not give up a single inch of Palestine as long as there is one sincere Muslim on earth," he said.

"The participation of Western leaders with the Jews in this celebration confirms that the West supports this ugly Jewish occupation of our lands and that they stand in the Israelis' trench against us," he added.

On March 20, bin Laden called on Muslims to continue their fight against U.S. occupation in Iraq, as part of their struggle to liberate Palestinian territories.