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  • NATO destroys Libyan state TV dishes

    2011-07-30 17:39

    NATO warplanes bombed early Saturday Libyan state TV satellite transmitters in the capital Tripoli, a Xinhua correspondent said.

  • Questions over far-right link in Norwegian attacks

    2011-07-23 17:33

    A report that Norway's bomb and gun rampage may be the work of a far-right militant confronts Europe with the possibility that a new paramilitary threat is emerging, a decade after al Qaeda's September 11 attacks.

  • Murdoch: Humbled over phone hacking

    2011-07-19 23:06

    Rupert Murdoch was humbled by a committee of lawmakers who grilled one of the world's most powerful media moguls and his son on their role in a phone-hacking scandal that has embroiled some of Britain's top politicians, police and journalists.
    Death of whistleblower moaned

  • Murdoch car mobbed ahead of UK hearing

    2011-07-19 19:09

    Rupert Murdoch's car was mobbed by photographers Tuesday as he arrived for a grilling from U.K. lawmakers about the phone hacking scandal. Murdochs to be quizzed over scandal

  • Murdoch apologizes over hacking scandal

    2011-07-16 15:24

    Rupert Murdoch apologized to victims of criminal phone hacking by one of his tabloids and accepted the resignations of News Corp's top two newspaper executives, Rebekah Brooks and Les Hinton.

  • Italy approves $98b austerity package

    2011-07-16 14:33

    The lower house of Italy's parliament on Friday approved a austerity budget worth over 70 billion euros (about $98 billion) aimed at securing public finances and reassuring global markets on the country's financial solidity.

  • US formally recognizes Libya rebels

    2011-07-16 08:27

    Rebel leaders won recognition as the legitimate government of Libya from the US and other world powers on Friday in a major boost to the rebels' faltering campaign to oust Muammar Gadhafi.

  • UK needs new media watchdog: PM

    2011-07-16 07:49

    The phone-hacking scandal of Rupert Murdoch's News International has shaken British journalism to its core and there are widespread calls for stepping up regulation of print media.

  • Murdoch flies to UK as paper dies, scandal lives

    2011-07-11 14:01

    Rupert Murdoch touched down in London on Sunday to take charge of his media empire's phone-hacking crisis as his best-selling Sunday tabloid, the News of the World, published its last. The scandal lives on despite his sacrifice of the 168-year-old paper at the heart of it.

  • Ceremony honors Jews killed by Polish neighbors

    2011-07-10 22:49

    Poland's president on Sunday apologized again for the murder of hundreds of Jews by their Polish neighbors 70 years ago _ a World War II massacre that caused painful soul-searching in the country when it was revealed in 2000.

  • Boat with 173 sinks in Russia's Volga

    2011-07-10 21:13

    One people were killed and some 94 others missing after a cruise ship carrying 173 sank in Volga river Sunday, the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry said.

  • Rupert Murdoch arrives at UK tabloid offices

    2011-07-10 21:09

    With the last edition of Britain's News of the World tabloid in hand, Rupert Murdoch arrived at the offices of his U.K. newspaper division Sunday to face the growing phone-hacking scandal that prompted the paper's closure.

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