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  • Pilot killed in acrobatic plane crash

    2011-06-19 20:06

    The small acrobatic plane, Christen Eagle II N54CE, flown by Szufla crashed in the Vistula River during the air show in Plock. The pilot died following the crash. Picture taken June 18, 2011.

  • Syrian refugees in S Turkey reach 10,553

    2011-06-19 19:22

    The number of Syrian refugee, who escaped from the violence in their country and took shelter in Turkey, reached 10,553, the semi-official Anatolia news agency reported on Sunday.

  • Greek PM defends austerity package

    2011-06-19 19:15

    Ahead of lawmakers' confidence vote on his new crisis cabinet, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou Sunday defended the austerity package and called for a referendum on whether to change the country's constitution.

  • Somalia jails Britons, American over pirate cash

    2011-06-19 16:53

    A Somali court has jailed six foreigners including three Britons and an American for illegally carrying millions of dollars into the country to pay ransoms for the release of vessels held by pirates.

  • Outside pressure delays resumption of Iran-Egypt ties

    2011-06-19 16:49

    Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi said that the delay in the resumption of relations between Iran and Egypt is due to foreign pressure on Cairo, the English language satellite Press TV reported on Sunday.

  • New Greek finance minister faces first big test

    2011-06-19 16:46

    On his third day in office, Greece's new Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos has to convince his eurozone counterparts to release a vital loan installment and consider billions of euros in new loans to save his struggling country.

  • Thousands march in Slovakia to warn of breast cancer

    2011-06-19 16:43

    Some 4,000 people marched on the streets of the Slovak capital on Saturday, in a bid to enhance women's awareness of the danger of breast cancer.

  • Libya says NATO airstrike kills civilians

    2011-06-19 15:43

    The Libyan government said at least four civilians were killed Sunday in a NATO airstrike that hit a residential neighborhood in the capital, adding to charges that the alliance is striking nonmilitary targets.

  • Castros visit Hugo Chavez at sickbed

    2011-06-19 09:59

    Cuban President Raul Castro and his brother Fidel Castro visited Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who was recovering from a surgery in Havana, and they discussed bilateral and international issues on Friday.

  • NATO says hit Libyan rebels by mistake

    2011-06-19 07:28

    NATO said Saturday it mistakenly struck a column of Libyan rebel vehicles in an airstrike near an eastern oil town two days earlier and expressed regret for any casualties that might have resulted.
    Libya says NATO airstrike kills civilians

  • NATO says its aircraft hit Libyan rebel column

    2011-06-19 05:32

    NATO said on Saturday its aircraft carried out an attack on a column of military vehicles this week that Libyan opposition said injured 16 of its fighters.

  • Libyan rebels out of money, West to blame

    2011-06-19 03:35

    Rebels waging a drawn-out war to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi have run out of money, their oil chief said on Saturday, and he accused the West of not meeting promises to deliver urgent financial aid.
