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  • Egypt detains suspected Israeli spy

    2011-06-13 15:01

    Egypt arrested an Israeli man on Sunday suspected of spying and recruiting agents to destabilise Egypt and sow strife after President Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down on February 11.

  • Gunmen kill 5 members of family in Mexico

    2011-06-13 13:26

    Gunmen have killed five members of a family, including two young children, in the drug cartel-plagued state of Chihuahua in northern Mexico.

  • Syria's army seizes back restive town

    2011-06-13 11:26

    Elite Syrian troops backed by helicopters and tanks regained control Sunday of a town where police and soldiers joined forces with the protesters they were ordered to shoot -- a decisive assault from a government prepared for an all-out battle to keep power.

  • Syrian forces take border town as inhabitants flee

    2011-06-13 10:56

    Syrian troops backed by helicopters and tanks took control of the northwestern town of Jisr al-Shughour as President Bashar al-Assad continued his crackdown against dissidents challenging his 11-year rule.

  • F-15s intercept plane near Obama holiday retreat

    2011-06-13 09:23

    A small aircraft wandered into the airspace of Camp David, Maryland, while President Barack Obama was there on Saturday, and was intercepted by two F-15 fighter jets patrolling in the area, authorities said.

  • Turkey's ruling AKP wins elections

    2011-06-13 09:00

    Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is poised to win parliamentary elections on Sunday for a third single-party rule as initial results showed it swept around half of national votes.

  • Iran to speed up high-grade uranium enrichment

    2011-06-13 08:52

    An Iranian official said Sunday that Iran has so far produced over 50 kg 20-percent enriched uranium and still needs to speed up the production.

  • IMF cyber attack aimed to steal insider info

    2011-06-12 22:25

    A major cyber attack on the IMF aimed to steal sensitive insider information, a cyber security expert said on Sunday, as the race to lead the body which oversees global financial system heated up.

  • Lagarde says Egypt positive on her bid to head IMF

    2011-06-12 21:43

    French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde said on Sunday she had received "very affirmative" support from the Egyptian government for her bid to become the next head of the International Monetary Fund.

  • Spanish police website hit by cyber attack-report

    2011-06-12 21:32

    Access to the website of Spain's national police force was blocked for over an hour late on Saturday in a reprisal attack by the Anonymous hackers group, El Mundo said on its website on Sunday.

  • S Africa launches Africa's biggest free trade bloc

    2011-06-12 20:40

    South African President Jacob Zuma on Sunday launched Africa's biggest free trade bloc aimed at enhancing cooperation between 26 nations to boost economies in the world's poorest and underdeveloped continent.

  • Snapshots: The world in 24 hours, June 11, 2011

    2011-06-12 15:14

    the world in 24 hours, June 11, 2011
