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  • Paris Air Show spotlights fuel cost fears

    2011-06-20 10:19

    Airlines will be seeking a cleaner, cheaper way to fly and planemakers will be angling for billions in new contracts Monday at the Paris Air Show, which stars a solar plane, biofuel jet engines and the Boeing-Airbus rivalry.

  • Israel asks US to let spy out of jail for funeral

    2011-06-20 09:57

    Israel appealed to the United States on Sunday to allow imprisoned spy Jonathan Pollard out of jail to attend his father's funeral, Israeli Army Radio reported.

  • Medvedev opposed to UN vote on Syria-FT

    2011-06-20 09:24

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has practically ruled out supporting a United Nations resolution condemning Syria's crackdown on pro-democracy protesters, the Financial Times reported on Monday.

  • Greece in crisis; EU wrangles over aid

    2011-06-20 09:21

    PM George Papandreou asked Greeks on Sunday to support austerity steps and avoid a catastrophic default, as European finance ministers discussed extending tens of billions of euros of aid to Athens.
    EU put next tranche of loans for Greece on hold

  • Civilians killed in NATO airstrike

    2011-06-20 06:58

    Libya's government said NATO warplanes struck a residential neighborhood in the capital Sunday and killed nine civilians, including two children. Hours later, NATO confirmed one of its airstrikes went astray.

  • $17 billion Iraq oil money gone amid war

    2011-06-20 05:54

    Iraq's parliament is chasing about $17 billion of Iraqi oil money it says was stolen after the 2003 US-led invasion and has asked the United Nations for help to track it down.

  • NATO admits Tripoli target error

    2011-06-20 05:04

    NATO said on Sunday that a number of Libyan civilians were killed in a NATO airstrike in Tripoli last night due to "a weapon system failure."
    Gates: Obama's Libya policy within law

  • Egypt appoints Mohammed El-Orabi as new FM

    2011-06-19 22:57

    Egypt appointed former ambassador to Berlin Mohammed El-Orabi as the new foreign minister on Sunday to replace Nabil Elaraby, who was chosen as the new Arab League chief in May, state news agency MENA reported.

  • Russia to receive fatal bacteria strain from EU

    2011-06-19 22:13

    Russia's chief sanitary inspector Gennady Onishchenko said on Sunday that Moscow is expected to receive a strain of the fatal E. coli bacteria on Monday, which has forced Russian authorities to impose a ban on EU vegetable, according to local media reports.

  • Cairo meeting between Fatah, Hamas leaders postponed

    2011-06-19 21:20

    A meeting between the top leaders of Palestinian factions, scheduled on Tuesday in Cairo, has been postponed due to big differences between the two sides, A Palestinian official said Sunday.

  • Somali PM resigns, reversing pledge

    2011-06-19 21:19

    Somalia's prime minister said Sunday that he would resign, reversing a pledge he made last week that he would not step down after Somalis took to the streets in support of the Somali-American politician.

  • Spaniard protest unemployment, austerity

    2011-06-19 20:55

    Spanish protesters of all stripes - young and old, working and unemployed - marched Sunday in Madrid to drive home their anger over high unemployment, bleak economic prospects and politicians they see as inept.
