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  • William and Kate on multi-city Canada, US tour

    2011-05-31 17:06

    Prince William and his bride will travel thousands of miles (kilometers) from Canada's north to Southern California on their first official overseas trip, royal officials said Monday.

  • Spain's king to have knee operation

    2011-05-31 16:26

    Spain's Royal Palace says King Juan Carlos will undergo surgery on his right knee for injuries troubling him from sports activity in the past.

  • Afghan president seeks to limit NATO airstrikes

    2011-05-31 16:20

    Angered by civilian casualties, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday he will no longer allow NATO airstrikes on houses, issuing his strongest statement yet against strikes that the military alliance says are key to its war on Taliban insurgents.

  • Iran closes airspace to Merkel's plane

    2011-05-31 15:59

    Officials say German Chancellor Angela Merkel's flight to India was delayed for about two hours when Iran's government refused the plane permission to fly over the country.

  • Afghan soldier shoots dead Australian mentor

    2011-05-31 14:57

    An Afghan soldier has shot dead his Australian mentor, a puzzling death that Australia's leader said Tuesday would not weaken the nation's commitment to its military role in Afghanistan despite an expected public backlash.

  • Report questions official Haiti quake death toll

    2011-05-31 13:36

    Far fewer people died or were left homeless by last year's devastating earthquake than claimed by Haitian leaders, a report commissioned by the US government has concluded - challenging a central premise behind a multibillion-dollar aid and reconstruction effort.

  • WHO urges Asian govts to pass laws against tobacco use

    2011-05-31 13:28

    The World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday that governments should pass and implement laws that will prevent premature deaths from tobacco-related diseases.

  • Pakistani jets attack Taliban hideouts, kill 11

    2011-05-31 13:10

    Pakistani warplanes attacked Taliban positions in the northwestern Orakzai tribal region on Tuesday, killing 11 militants, a senior regional government official said.

  • Russia cancels war games with India: report

    2011-05-31 11:39

    Russia has canceled in the recent months two important bilateral war games with India, including the Indra series of navy and army war games in the recent weeks, apparently due to India's refusal to buy new Russian fighter jet, reported local media Tuesday.

  • Brazil's Rousseff calls for 'culture of cycling'

    2011-05-31 11:32

    Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on Monday demanded local governments build more bicycle lanes in the country.

  • Germany to shut all nuke plants: Merkel

    2011-05-31 11:28

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that Germany could set an example in achieving a transition to efficient and renewable energies, after her government decided to close all 17 nuclear power plants in the country by 2022.

  • Gadhafi ready for truce, rejected by rebels

    2011-05-31 11:09

    Moammar Gadhafi is ready for a truce to stop the fighting in his country, visiting South African president said Monday after meeting the Libyan ruler.
