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  • Brazil vows to cut poverty

    2011-06-07 11:24

    Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said Monday that her administration would tackle extreme poverty with determination.

  • US pushes for immediate transition in Yemen

    2011-06-07 11:24

    The US wants to see an immediate transition in Yemen after the country's President Ali Abdullah Saleh was wounded Friday by shelling on his presidential palace, US State Department said on Monday.

  • French Lagarde to seek Indian support for IMF post

    2011-06-07 10:39

    French finance minister Christine Lagarde will begin her India trip on Tuesday and meet finance minister Pranab Mukherjee and other top officials to court New Delhi's support for the top job at the International Monetary Fund.

  • Officials: Half US force trained on gay ban repeal

    2011-06-07 09:59

    More than a million US troops - roughly half the armed forces - have been trained on the new law allowing gays to serve openly in the military

  • Ex-IMF leader pleads not guilty to sex assault

    2011-06-07 09:17

    Dominique Strauss-Kahn formally asserted his innocence Monday to charges he tried to rape a hotel maid, but the drama unfolded outside the Manhattan courtroom as protesters jeered the former International Monetary Fund leader and lawyers for the housekeeper said she was eager to testify despite a "smear campaign" against her.

  • Israel concerned with more border protests

    2011-06-07 09:09

    Following the deadly clashes on Sunday with pro-Palestinian protesters at the Israeli-Syrian ceasefire line, the Israeli army on Monday prepared for more similar demonstrations.

  • Lebanese president condemns Israeli killing in Golan Heights

    2011-06-07 09:01

    Lebanese President Michel Suleiman on Monday condemned Israel's violence during Sunday's "Naksa Day" protests on the Golan Heights which resulted in more than 20 deaths.

  • 27th Australian soldier killed in Afghanistan

    2011-06-07 08:50

    An official says an Australian soldier has been killed in an operation that destroyed a large cache of insurgent munitions in Afghanistan. The casualty is the 27th Australian death in the Afghan conflict and the fourth in two weeks.

  • NATO reiterates no ground troops in Libya

    2011-06-07 08:44

    NATO will not send in troops on the ground although it has added Apache attack helicopters to its arsenal in the air raids on Libya, the military alliance's chief said on Monday.

  • Chilean volcano still billowing plume

    2011-06-07 08:28

    A volcano in the Caulle Cordon of southern Chile erupted for a second day on Sunday, shooting out pumice stones and pluming a cloud of ash 10 kilometers high and five km wide.

  • Humala declares victory in Peru

    2011-06-07 08:02

    Left-wing former army commander Ollanta Humala claimed victory in Peru's presidential election on Sunday and tried to strike a conciliatory tone as investors and the opposition worry he will ruin a long economic boom.

  • EU to aid farmers hurt by E.coli outbreak

    2011-06-07 08:22

    European Union farm ministers will try on Tuesday to agree financial aid for fruit and vegetable producers whose sales have been hit by an E.coli outbreak that has killed 22 people in Europe.
