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  • 8 killed, 4 injured in gunmen attacks in Colombia

    2011-06-27 12:42

    Eight people were killed and four others were injured in gunmen attacks in a discotheque in southwestern Colombia on Sunday morning.

  • Protesters demand French nuclear plant closure

    2011-06-27 10:51

    Thousands of demonstrators formed a human chain outside France's oldest nuclear power plant on Sunday to demand the site be closed as the government mulls whether to extend its life by a decade.

  • Bombs kill 25 at Nigerian drinking spot

    2011-06-27 09:18

    Suspected members of a radical Islamist sect threw bombs at a drinking spot in Nigeria's northeastern town of Maiduguri on Sunday, killing around 25 people, witnesses and military sources said.

  • Billy the Kid photo sells for over $2m

    2011-06-27 08:29

    What is believed to be the only surviving authenticated portrait of Billy the Kid went up for auction in Denver on Saturday and sold for $2.3 million.

  • Penguin stranded in NZ offered lift home

    2011-06-27 08:26

    A young Emperor penguin stranded in New Zealand has survived two medical procedures and now has an offer of a lift home.

  • Gadhafi revives offer of vote to end war

    2011-06-27 08:22

    The Libyan government on Sunday renewed its offer to hold a vote on whether Muammar Gadhafi should stay in power, a proposal unlikely to interest Gadhafi's opponents but which could widen differences inside NATO.

  • Paris' menswear week evaporates in record heat

    2011-06-27 07:00

    Paris' spring-summer 2012 menswear shows melted into the past on Sunday, wrapping up in a pool of perspiration on the year's hottest day yet.

  • Brazil's Graziano elected chief of UN food agency

    2011-06-26 22:50

    Jose Graziano da Silva of Brazil has been elected director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN agency tasked with reducing world hunger at a time of record high food prices.

  • Cameron's friend dies at UK music fest

    2011-06-26 22:34

    A close friend of British Prime Minister David Cameron has been found dead in a portable toilet at the Glastonbury music festival

  • Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz date, marry quietly

    2011-06-26 20:48

    Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz, who play husband and wife in an upcoming film, have taken the roles to heart.

  • Israel's Vatican envoy backs off WWII pope praise

    2011-06-26 20:28

    Israel's ambassador to the Vatican has backed off his praise of Pope Pius XII, the World War II-era pope blamed by some Jews for having failed to speak out enough against the Holocaust.

  • Ex-Ukraine PM to go on trial for abuse of power

    2011-06-26 17:45

    Former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko must stand trial next Wednesday on a charge of abuse of power, a judge ruled in a pre-trial hearing.The charge carries a jail term of at least seven years.
