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  • S Korean base in Afghanistan hit by rocket attack

    2011-05-31 11:08

    A base for South Korean reconstruction workers in Afghanistan came under what appears to be yet another rocket attack, local reports said Tuesday.

  • French businessman seeks new probe into Lagarde

    2011-05-31 09:54

    A French businessman and anti-corruption campaigner has asked prosecutors to investigate the role of French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, the front runner to become the next IMF head, in a recent corporate deal.

  • Zuma says Gadhafi ready to implement AU roadmap

    2011-05-31 09:52

    Visiting South African President Jacob Zuma said on Monday that Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi is ready to carry out an African Union (AU) roadmap for solving the crisis in the North African country.

  • Zuma says Gadhafi refuses to leave Libya

    2011-05-31 21:23

    Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi is not prepared to leave Libya but will press efforts to find a political solution to the country's conflict, South African President Jacob Zuma said on Tuesday.

  • At least 63 die in Yeman protests; 800 injured

    2011-05-31 09:44

    The death toll of clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces overnight Monday in Yemen's southern province of Taiz rose to at least 63, doctors told Xinhua.

  • Lagarde in Brazil to promote IMF candidacy

    2011-05-31 09:37

    French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde met with her Brazilian counterpart Monday to promote her candidacy to head the International Monetary Fund and said she backed the institution's reforms giving developing nations more of a voice in its operations.

  • DPRK threatens to close hotline with ROK

    2011-05-31 08:59

    Pyongyang threatened Monday to cut off a military communication channel with Seoul and to stop talking with its southern rival, an apparent reversal of its recent push for dialogue.

  • Yemen warplanes bomb Islamists who seized town

    2011-05-31 07:55

    Yemeni forces opened fire on a protest camp and killed more than 20 demonstrators Monday in the southern city of Taiz while government warplanes launched airstrikes on another southern town seized by radical Islamists.

  • Combative Blatter denies FIFA in crisis

    2011-05-31 06:54

    FIFA president Sepp Blatter, facing a deepening corruption scandal including accusations that Qatar bought the right to stage the 2022 World Cup, denied there was a crisis and described the problems as local difficulties on Monday.

  • E.coli cucumber kills 14 in Germany

    2011-05-31 06:47

    An E. coli outbreak linked to contaminated cucumbers that has killed 14 people and made more than 300 seriously ill in Germany has spread to other north European countries and is expected to worsen in the coming week.

  • Swedish king denies scandal rumors

    2011-05-31 06:29

    Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf has rejected rumors that he visited seedy night clubs and had mob contacts in an usual interview with domestic news agency TT.

  • UK general warns against Afghanistan pullout

    2011-05-31 06:11

    Britain's most senior general in Afghanistan says that there must be no significant pullout of troops from the country until late 2012.
