WORLD> Africa
Zimbabwe President Mugabe sworn in for new term
Updated: 2008-06-30 06:56

HARARE - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe was sworn in for a new five-year term in office on Sunday, after being declared winner of Friday's presidential run-off poll.

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe attends his inauguration at State House in Harare, June 29, 2008. [Agencies]

He overwhelmingly beat Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai by 2,150,265 votes to 233,000, or 85.5 percent to 9.3 percent in the election, overturning the latter's victory in the first round of the poll in March 29,  according to the results announced by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

The run-off is actually a one-man race as Tsvangirai announced his withdrawal several days before the election was held, though the withdrawal was dismissed by the ZEC, saying it is too late.  

Shortly after the results of the election were announced, Mugabe was sworn in for the new term by Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku at a colorful ceremony held at the State House.

Related readings:
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"I, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, do swear that I will well and truly serve in the Office of President, so help me God," he said, taking the oath of office.  

In his victory speech, Mugabe said it was time for the country to move forward in unity as elections were over.

He said consultations would be held towards reducing political differences between political parties to forge a common national vision, and work towards the recovery of the economy and improvement of living standards.

"Indeed, it is my hope that sooner rather than later we shall, as diverse political parties, hold consultations towards such serious dialogue as will minimize our differences and enhance the area of unity and cooperation," he said.

"Finally, I wish to assure our people, that whatever government we shall form will remain very much people oriented and thus proceed to fully empower the masses, the people across the board, sector by sector as that government takes effective measures towards the recovery of the economy and improvement of living standards," he said.

Following the final result of the election, all constitutional and electoral requirements had now been fulfilled, he said.

Mugabe thanked South African leader Thabo Mbeki for the role he played in promoting harmony and peace in Zimbabwe through mediating in talks between the ruling ZANU-PF party and the opposition MDC.

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