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TV: Iran tests more missiles in Gulf
Updated: 2008-07-10 20:39

TEHRAN  -- Iran tested more medium and long-range missiles in the Gulf for a second day early Thursday, Iran's satellite Press TV reported.

A video grab from Al Alam television shows one of nine long- and medium-range missiles being fired during a test in Iran July 9, 2008. [Xinhua]

In the third day of its military maneuvers dubbed Great ProphetIII in the Gulf, The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) successfully test fired various classes of missiles including shore to sea, surface to surface and sea to air rockets.

The "Hoot torpedo" which Iran unveiled in April 2006 and then described as a super-fast weapon capable of hitting enemy submarines was also tested successfully, Press TV said.

Pre-defined hypothetical enemy targets were precisely hit, Press TV added.

On Wednesday, the IRGC fired nine medium and long- range missiles including the Shahab 1, 2, 3, Fateh and Zelzal rockets.