WORLD> America
Iraq sees hope of US troop withdrawal by 2010
Updated: 2008-07-22 00:03

Iraqi leaders also pressed Obama for more clarity on his long-term vision for relations with Washington. Such discussions have added importance since Iraq and US negotiators appear stalled in efforts to reach a long-range pact to define future US military presence and obligations.

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American diplomats hoped to reach a final accord by the end of the month, but it now seems the goal is a stopgap "bridge" document that would maintain the status for US forces once a U.N. mandate on their presence expires at the end of the year. Such as move would leave the hard bargaining to the next president.

Obama arrived following talks Sunday in Kuwait with the emir, Sheik Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah. Earlier he met with US military commanders and troops in Afghanistan and held talks with President Hamid Karzai.

He is scheduled to go on to Jordan, Israel and European capitals.

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