WORLD> Asia-Pacific
Indonesian train hits cargo locomotive, killing 9
Updated: 2008-08-16 16:01

JAKARTA - Police and railway officials say at least 9 people died and dozens were injured when a slow-moving passenger train hit a parked cargo locomotive on Indonesia's Sumatra island.

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"There are 40 injured people being handled in an intensive care unit and two are being treated by operation,"the national leading website quoted one of the doctors as saying.

Zakaria, a train company spokesman who goes by a single name, says the train conductor realized the trains were about to crash but was unable to stop.

He says seven passengers and two railway employees died, while 27 were seriously hurt.

He says investigators have started questioning railway officials to determine what went wrong.

Local police chief Col. Syauqie Achmad says Saturday's accident occurred in the town of Bandarlampung, about 185 miles (300 kilometers) northwest of the capital, Jakarta.