WORLD> Europe
Illegal immigrants arrive in southern Italy
Updated: 2008-08-22 09:22

ROME -- A vessel carrying 355 illegal immigrants arrived at the southern Italian island of Lampedusa near Sicily on Thursday, according to Italian Adnkronos News Agency.

Members of the Italian coast guard spotted the vessel 30 nautical miles south of Sicily. Among the immigrants were 53 women and 13 children.

All were transferred to the island's temporary reception center.

Their arrival came a day after a report said hundreds of illegal immigrant children had arrived in the Italian island of Lampedusa in the past three months without parents or family members.

The report was issued by the non-governmental organization Save the Children Italy.

Italy has the European Union's longest coastline -- 4,500 kilometers -- making it difficult for  police and a preferred destination for migrants.

Lampedusa is a tiny island that is closer to Africa than the European continent and a favorite drop off point for the people smugglers.