WORLD> Middle East
Hezbollah chief vows to destroy Israel if attacked
Updated: 2008-08-25 16:33

BEIRUT -- Lebanese Hezbollah chief Hasan Nasrallah vows to destroy Israel and achieve ultimate victory if Israel carries out its treats to attack Lebanon, local Daily Star reported Monday.

"If a war happens as they are threatening, our victory will be decisive and unquestionable," Nasrallah said in a televised speech.

Nasrallah said Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak threatened to wage a land operation in Lebanon with five military units which "will be destroyed in our mountains and valleys and homes and villages."

Top Israeli leaders have sent warnings to Lebanon in recent days after Lebanon had formed a national unity government in which Hezbollah-led opposition has 11 ministers and veto power over cabinet decisions.

Nasrallah labeled the Israeli threats as "psychological warfare " on the Lebanese, saying they were a need to boost Israeli internal situation during elections.

Israel and Hezbollah fought a devastating 34-day war in summer 2006, leaving over 1,200 Lebanese civilians and 160 Israelis dead.