WORLD> America
McCain attacks 'dangerous' Obama on economy
Updated: 2008-10-28 00:03

CLEVELAND -- John McCain launched the final week of his election campaign Monday with a searing attack on Barack Obama, claiming his rival's economic policies would lead to a "deeper more painful recession."

Republican presidential candidate Arizona Senator John McCain, seen here flanked by Ebay CEO Meg Whitman(L) and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, launched the final week of his election campaign Monday with a searing attack on Barack Obama, claiming his rival's economic policies would lead to a "deeper more painful recession. " [Agencies]

After a meeting with economic advisors and business leaders, Republican candidate McCain set out his plans to kick-start the economy by insisting Obama was planning sweeping tax increases that would paralyze small businesses.

McCain, who is struggling to distance himself from a cratering economy after eight years of a Republican administration, said Obama was part of a "dangerous threesome" that included congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Related readings:
 Obama, McCain clash on economy in final debate
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"With one week left of this campaign the choice facing Americans is stark. My economic goals and policies are very clear," McCain said.

"The difference between myself and Senator Obama is that our plan will create jobs, his plan will raise taxes on small businesses, impose insurance mandates on families and cut jobs. It's a difference of millions of jobs in America and Americans are beginning to figure that out."

"I know it's pleasant to listen to Senator Obama's rhetoric but look at the record -- he has voted to raise taxes on individuals making as little US$42,000, those are facts.

"Today he claims he'll tax the rich; but we've seen in the past that he's been willing to hit people squarely in the Middle Class."

McCain said he would focus on slashing spending and cutting taxes, moves which he believed would create more jobs for small businesses.

Obama's policies would make a recession "even deeper and more painful," McCain added, before deriding Obama as the "most liberal" person to ever run for the White House.

"This election comes down to how you want your money spent. Do you want to keep it invested in your future or do you want to have it taken by the most liberal person to ever run for the presidency, and Democratic leaders who have running Congress for the past two years, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?" he said. "My friends, this is a dangerous threesome."