WORLD> Asia-Pacific
China urges peaceful dialogue on Korean Peninsula
Updated: 2009-02-03 19:46

BEIJING -- China urged the north and south on the Korean Peninsula Tuesday to improve bilateral ties through dialogue and promote reconciliation and cooperation.

Undated file photo shows North Korean soldiers standing guard at the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarised zone dividing two Koreas. China urged the north and south on the Korean Peninsula Tuesday to improve bilateral ties through dialogue and cooperation. [Agencies]

"Maintaining the stability of the peninsula is in the interests of the north and south of the peninsula," Jiang Yu, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, told reporters at a regular press conference.

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"As a neighbor of the Korean Peninsula, China always hopes that both sides of the peninsula can improve relations through dialogue and push forward conciliation and cooperation," Jiang said.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) scrapped all political and military agreements with the Republic of Korea at the end of last month, according to the DPRK's official KCNA news agency.

China hoped the north and south of the Korean Peninsula could improve relations through dialogue and coordination so as to maintain peace and stability in northeast Asia, said the spokeswoman.

As to the six-party talks, Jiang said that the talks have already made progress with the joint efforts of various parties.

"We are expecting the relevant parties to continuously work to realize the denuclearization of the peninsula and to play a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability in northeast Asia," she said.

"We hope that the relevant parties can coordinate and work together to bring the talks to a new stage," Jiang said.