WORLD> Africa
Tanzania starts fighting illegal fishing off shore
Updated: 2009-03-07 14:59

DAR ES SALAAM -- Tanzania has stepped up its measures in the fight against illegal fishing off its Indian Ocean coast by either fining caught trawlers with $16 million each or confiscating the fishing boats altogether.

The measures have been announced by the Tanzania livestock and fishing development ministry when the country launched a special six-day patrolling operation along its coast to fend off unregulated and unreported fishing in the country's Exclusive Economic Zone.

"We are tired of illegal fishing done by foreign nations," said Livestock and Fishing Minister John Magufuli at the campaign launch,"They have been stealing our marine resources for the past 50 years. That is why the fisheries sector in Tanzania contribute only 1.6 percent to the GDP."

Fisheries from Lake Victoria earns Tanzania an annual income of US$186 million whereas fisheries off the country's Indian Ocean coast generates only US$742,500 a year, according to the minister.

South Africa, Mozambique and Kenya are also taking part in the ongoing marine patrolling campaign aimed at fighting illegal fishing in these countries' Exclusive Economic Zones.