WORLD> Africa
Madagascan opposition fails to take over presidency
Updated: 2009-03-15 09:51

Madagascar's President Marc Ravalomanana (L) claims he is still legitimate president during a rally outside presidential palace in Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar, on Mar. 14, 2009. [Xinhua] 

"As a fervent Christian, I promise that I will not kill him and I will order my supporters not to kill him. The owner of life is only God," Rajoelina said.

However, he added, Madagascar has a law and Ravalomanana should be sent to justice according to the law in the country.

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Rajoelina expressed his thanks to the armed forces for their love to the fatherland, when they decided to support the demonstration of the people.

Rajoelina told the gathering that the prime minister of his transitional government, Monja Roindefo, and Charles Rabemananjara, the prime minister under President Ravalomanana, transferred their power in a democratic way Thursday evening and "I want that this will happen between me and Ravalomanana".

On Saturday morning, Prime Minister Charles Rabemananjara's office was taken over by Monja Roindefo, the prime minister appointed by Rajoelina early last month.

Shortly after, Roindefo said at a press conference held at the prime minister's office that the takeover was going on calmly and smoothly.

Rajoelina, the self-proclaimed presidents of "the High Authority of Transition", congratulated Roindefo for the takeover operation.

Rajoelina called his supporter to go to the May 13 Square again on Sunday with white shirts to express their thanks to god.

Following the change of attitude of Prime Minister Charles Rabemananjara, Jacques Sylla, president of the National Assembly, and other senior government officials have also changed their sides.

Explaining reasons for his change of position, Sylla said that he decided to support the opposition due to his conscience and his desire to keep the national solidarity.