WORLD> America
NASA hopeful repairs will permit Discovery's Sunday launch
Updated: 2009-03-15 14:19

The mission was intended to last 14 days and include four spacewalks. But now it's down to 13 days and three spacewalks at best. That's because Discovery needs to be gone by the time the Soyuz blasts off from Kazakhstan with a fresh space station crew.

If Discovery isn't flying by Tuesday night, then it will have to wait until April.

NASA's space station program manager, Mike Suffredini, said the first spacewalk is essential for installing the new solar wings. The remaining spacewalks - mostly preparatory work for future missions - could be handed off to the station crew after Discovery leaves.

Suffredini said it's also critical the shuttle drop off a spare urine processor for the space station's water-recyling system, and a flusher for a water dispenser that's showing a high bacteria count.

The urine processor up at the space station needs to be replaced because it's not working properly, and engineers want to flush iodine through the water dispenser to kill any bugs.

This new recycling system - which turns urine and condensate into drinking water - is a keystone in NASA's plan to double the size of the space station crew in another two months.

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