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Shark swims near surfer in Cornwall
Updated: 2009-03-20 11:31

Cornwall, UK - A Great White shark may have been swimming just metres from a surfer in Cornwall after an ominous dark shape was captured by a beach photographer.

There have been several reports of large killer sharks in Cornish waters. [Agencies] 

The picture was taken at Praa sands, Penzance close to where there have been several reports of large killer sharks in Cornish waters.

In July last year there was an alleged sighting of a Great White, never officially recorded in British waters before, off the coast of Cornwall.

The picture of the mysterious dorsal fin taken by a local fisherman was revealed to be a hoax, but not before it created panic among bathers.

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Before that in 2005 reports of possible Mako shark sightings came flooding in.

The Mako or Maori for man-eater was spotted at numerous locations around the county that summer.

The latest pictures were taken by experienced surfer, Dan Harding, who captured the ominous images while enjoying the surf and spring sunshine last weekend.

The 34-year-old from St Ives in Cornwall said the conditions at Praa Sands that day were perfect so he headed to the beach with some fellow surfers.

"There were quite a few people around about twenty to thirty. It was a really good surf. The sun was shining the waves were clean and not too crowded.

"I saw the big black shapes in the water. I managed to get three or four shots. The surfer fell off his surfboard immediately after I took the photo."

Mr Harding, a blacksmith, said the surfer may have fallen off because he was startled by the shapes.

Others have speculated the shapes might be dolphins. Dolphin appearances this early in the year are said to herald a good summer.