China alters treatment plan of A(H1N1) influenza
Updated: 2009-05-09 18:43

BEIJING -- China's health authorities on Saturday altered the diagnosis and treatment plan for A(H1N1) influenza, which has claimed at least 44 lives worldwide.

The revised version, posted on the website of the Ministry of Health, states that people with the virus are the sources of infection, ruling out sick pigs or animals carrying the virus as stated in the previous version.

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"Though the virus has been found in swine, but no evidence has yet proved that animals are the principal source of infection," it says.

The move came after ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said earlier that China would adjust its work plans as analysis and research advances.

The previous plan was issued on April 29 and is no longer effective.

The modified version also adds different treatment plans for people suspected of infection and identified carriers.

Suspected carriers are to be held under quarantine with one person in an isolation ward while groups of people with a confirmed infection will be treated in one ward at designated hospitals.

Confirmed carriers will be treated with oseltamivir, an inhibitor that proved effective in initial medical tests in containing the virus, it says.

The notice says the authorities will closely monitor the development of virus treatment and revise the plan when it deems "necessary".