WORLD> Middle East
Iraqis celebrate US pullback but bombing kills 33
Updated: 2009-07-01 23:49

BAGHDAD: Not a single American soldier was in sight. Gone, too, were the American helicopters whose buzz has for years defined Baghdad's background track.

Left alone to protect the capital Tuesday were thousands of Iraqi troops and police manning checkpoints, with army tanks deployed at potential trouble spots and convoys of pickup trucks with machine guns roaming the streets.

But it was elsewhere, 180 miles (290 kilometers) to the north, that militants delivered their first deadly challenge to Iraq's security forces on a highly symbolic day after the formal withdrawal of US combat troops from cities at midnight.

Iraqis celebrate US pullback but bombing kills 33
People stand by a fire at the site of a bomb attack in Kirkuk, 250 km (155 miles) north of Baghdad, June 30, 2009. [Agencies]

A car bombing devastated a food market in the city of Kirkuk, killing at least 33 people and wounding 90. The early evening attack, which bore the hallmarks of Sunni extremist groups like al-Qaida in Iraq, was the second in the Kirkuk area since a truck bombing killed 82 people on June 20.

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The latest blast was a deadly example of the violence many Iraqis fear will increase with the departure of US troops from urban areas, despite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's confidence in Iraq's nascent security forces.

The bombing came hours after the US military announced that four American soldiers were killed in combat Monday. It was the deadliest attack on US forces since May 21, when three soldiers were killed and nine wounded in a roadside bombing in Baghdad.

"It reminds me that there are still dangers out there," Gen. Ray Odierno, the top US soldier in Iraq, said of the American deaths. "There are still people out there who do not want the government of Iraq to succeed."

The violence marred what otherwise was a festive occasion as Iraqis commemorated the newly declared National Sovereignty Day with military parades and marching bands in the capital.

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