
World responses to Obama's new Afghanistan strategy

Updated: 2009-12-02 23:15

Afghan gov't welcomes Obama's new strategy

KABUL: The government of Afghanistan welcomed Washington's new strategy for the post-Taliban country announced by US President Barack Obama, a press release issued by President Hamid Karzai's office said on Wednesday. [more]

Taliban downplays Obama's strategy

KABUL: In a sharp reaction Taliban militants fighting Afghan government and NATO-led troops based in Afghanistan downplayed the new strategy announced by President Obama for Afghanistan on Wednesday. [more]

Sarkozy voices full support for Obama

PARIS: French President Nicolas Sarkozy voiced his "full support" on Wednesday for US President Barack Obama's new decision on Afghanistan but stopped short of committing more French troops. [more]

France ponders bigger military presence in Afghanistan

PARIS: France on Wednesday retreated from its firm stand against sending more troops to Afghanistan and said it would now reconsider, following a renewed request from US President Barack Obama.[more]

S.Korea plans to send 350 troops to Afghanistan

SEOUL: South Korea is planning to dispatch near 350 soldiers to Afghanistan in mid 2010 to serve a two-and-a- half year mission, local media reported Wednesday.[more]

Singapore welcomes Obama's decision

SINGAPORE: Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Wednesday the country welcomes the United States' continued commitment in Afghanistan. [more]

Pakistan to closely engage with US

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Wednesday said it would closely engage with the United States in understanding the full import of its new strategy on Afghanistan and to ensure that there would be no adverse fallout on Pakistan.[more]

Japan not to provide more aid for Afghanistan

TOKYO: Japan's Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on Wednesday welcomed a US pledge to provide additional troops to the country but said that his nation will not provide extra aid to Afghanistan.[more]

US urges Turkey to send more troops to Afghanistan

ISTANBUL: The United States Wednesday urged Turkey to send more troops to the war in Afghanistan after President Barack Obama announced his decision to begin a troop surge there.[more]