Global General

NATO allies commit 7,000 more troops to Afghanistan

Updated: 2009-12-04 19:26

BRUSSELS: NATO said on Friday 25 countries had pledged a total of around 7,000 more troops to support the US-led war in Afghanistan, following President Barack Obama's commitment of 30,000 more US troops.

Related readings:
NATO allies commit 7,000 more troops to Afghanistan 20 NATO countries to send more troops to Afghanistan
NATO allies commit 7,000 more troops to Afghanistan Obama: US to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan
NATO allies commit 7,000 more troops to Afghanistan NATO expects at least 5,000 troops for Afghanistan

"Nations are backing up their words with deeds," NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told a news conference following talks with NATO foreign ministers.

"At least 25 countries will send more forces to the mission in 2010. They have offered around 7,000 new forces with more to come ... That is solidarity in action and it will have a powerful effect on the ground."