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Iran test-fires missile, West concerned

(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-12-17 07:25
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TEHERAN: Iran successfully test-fired a long-range, upgraded Sejil 2 missile yesterday, state television reported, a move likely to add to tension with the West.

Iran test-fires missile, West concerned
Iran successfully test-fired a long-range, upgraded Sejil 2 missile yesterday, state television reported, a move likely to add to tension with the West. [Agencies] 

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the launch was of serious concern to the international community and underlined the case for tougher sanctions against Iran, the world's fifth-largest oil exporter.

Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the test was part of efforts to boost the country's deterrent capabilities

Al Alam, Iran's Arabic-language satellite television, said the two-stage, solid fuel Sejil missile had a longer range than the Islamic Republic's Shahab model.

Iranian officials have in the past said the Shahab 3 missile can reach targets up to 2,000 km away. Such a range would put Israel and US bases in the Gulf within reach.

The missile test coincides with increased tension over Iran's nuclear program, which the West fears is aimed at making bombs. Iran denies the charge.

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State television showed a missile launched from desert-like terrain soaring into the sky with a long vapor trail.

"Iran successfully tests optimized version of Sejil 2 missile," it said in a breaking news headline.

Vahidi said the missile, which he said was developed by Iranian scientists, needed a shorter launch time and was more accurate than the previous version, state television said.

The test came a day after the US House of Representatives approved legislation to impose sanctions on foreign companies that help supply gasoline to Iran, a measure lawmakers hope would deter Teheran from pursuing its nuclear work.

'Serious concern'

In Copenhagen, Britain's Brown said after meeting UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: "I have expressed to him and he has also expressed concern about the test of a long-range missile by Iran.

"This is a matter of serious concern to the international community and it does make the case for us moving further on sanctions ... We will treat this with the seriousness it deserves."

In September, Iran test-fired missiles which a commander said could reach any regional target. The White House branded those tests "provocative".

Washington suspects Iran is trying to develop nuclear bomb capability and has previously expressed concern about Teheran's missile program. Iran says its nuclear work is solely for generating peaceful electricity.

Earlier this week, diplomats said intelligence suggested that Iran worked on testing a key atomic bomb component as recently as 2007, a finding which if proven would clash with Iran's assertion its nuclear work is for civilian use.

Iran's Foreign Ministry rejected the claim as "baseless".

On Tuesday, Israeli military intelligence chief Major-General Amos Yadlin said: "Iran is striving to improve it surface-to-surface missile capability. It is developing missiles propelled by solid fuel and is expanding their range to other continents."

The United States and five other major powers said on Tuesday that a planned meeting on Iran's nuclear program will not take place this year because of scheduling conflicts, although consultations will continue by telephone.

In October, negotiators offered a deal under which Iran would send most of its low-enriched uranium abroad for further enrichment. However, Teheran has backed away from it, raising the prospect of additional sanctions.
