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Sudan approves Abyei referendum law

Updated: 2009-12-30 22:43
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KHARTOUM: The Sudanese National Assembly (parliament) on Wednesday endorsed a referendum law for the disputed enclave of Abyei between northern and southern Sudan, with representatives of Misseriya Arab tribe withdrawing from the parliament's session.

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According to the new law, a referendum is to be held in January 2011 in Abyei to decide whether the enclave would remain as part of northern Sudan or become part of southern Sudan.

Representatives of the Misseriya at the parliament objected to an article in the law stipulating that only members of the southern Sudanese tribe of Dinka Nogok shall have the right to vote, while other Sudanese residing in Abyei shall vote according to residence standards to be specified by the referendum commission.

"We believe that this law is unjust and would spark a tribal conflict as it has mentioned only one tribe, Dinka Nogok, and neglected the Misseriya tribe, which has the original right in the area," Mahdi Babo Nimir, a prominent Misseriya leader told reporters following the approval of the law Wednesday.