Odd News

Woman stabbed didn't notice blade in neck

Updated: 2010-02-05 15:45
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BEIJING: A woman was stabbed by a mugger on her way home in Moscow, but walked calmly home without noticing it, according to media reports Thursday.

Woman stabbed didn't notice blade in neck
Julia Popova, 22, was stabbed by a mugger but walked home without noticing it. [cri.cn] 

Julia Popova, a 22-year-old office worker, grappled with the attacker who snatched her handbag on her way home from work. During the process, the assailant buried a kitchen knife in her neck.

Incredibly, she failed to notice the injury and, despite blood pouring from the wound above her shoulders, managed to calmly stroll home.

When Ms Popova got home her horrified parents rushed her to the hospital. Doctors found the knife was close to her spinal cord but managed to remove it without damaging the spine.

"Shock had kicked in and her body prevented her from feeling any pain," one surgeon said.