Global Biz

Iraq exports 57.9 million barrels of oil in Feb

Updated: 2010-03-23 21:08
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BAGHDAD - Iraqi Oil Ministry said Tuesday Iraq's oil export in February hit 57.9 million barrels, bringing in revenues of $4.229 billion with an average price of $73.04 a barrel.

A statement by the ministry obtained by Xinhua said that 45.2 million barrels were exported through the southern port of Basra, and 12.7 million barrels were exported via Turkey's port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean Sea.

In January, the ministry said the country exported 59.7 million barrels of oil, gaining revenues of $4.416 billion. The decrease in February was because February is three days shorter than January.

Iraq mainly depends on oil revenues as the country has the world's third-largest proven oil reserves estimated at 115 billion barrels, following Saudi Arabia and Iran. It produces roughly 2.5 million barrels a day, mostly for exports.