Palestine studys French proposals on statehood bid

Updated: 2011-09-22 22:45


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RAMALLAH - The Palestinian leadership is studying ideas proposed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to revive peace talks with Israel, a senior official said Thursday.

Sarkozy's ideas, revealed Wednesday in a speech at the United Nations General Assembly, aim at defusing an increasing tension between the United States and the Palestinian National Authority ( PNA) over the latter's plan to request a full UN membership.

"We are studying Sarkozy's ideas and we will be as positive as possible in dealing with them," Yasser Abed Rabbo, an official of the Palestine Liberation Organization, told the Voice of Palestine radio from New York.

Instead of requesting the full membership through the UN Security Council, where the US administration has threatened to veto the request, Sarkozy suggested that the UN General Assembly upgrade the status of the Palestinian to a nonmember state.

To meet the US hope, Sarkozy also proposed resuming peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians with a precise timetable that doesn't exceed a year.

Abed Rabbo said the Palestinians still lack enough details about Sarkozy's plan, especially what level of support it will enjoy among other European nations.

However, Abed Rabbo said he did not expect the French initiative to succeed, "because earlier proposals did not work though they were in favor of Israel."

The Palestinians plan to submit the request to the Security Council Friday, shortly after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addresses the General Assembly.

Abed Rabbo denied reports that a deal to postpone the Palestinian bid for the UN membership was underway.