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  • People celebrate the liberation of Libya

    2011-10-24 11:36

    People celebrate the liberation of Libya in Quiche, Benghazi October 23, 2011.

  • Latest developments in the Libyan conflict

    2011-09-13 07:07

    Following are the latest political and military developments in the Libyan crisis.

  • Gadhafi homes reveal champagne lifestyle

    2011-08-31 09:33

    The gold-plated cutlery and crystal champagne glasses, the Versace and Armani suits and rows of unworn designer shoes, are all that remain at the luxurious seaside compounds of the children of Muammar Gadhafi.

  • Libyan rebels advance on Zawiyah, battle in Brega

    2011-08-13 22:13

    Rebels in western Libya advanced north to within 25 km (15 miles) of the coastal city of Zawiyah on Saturday after a six-hour battle with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's forces.

  • Libyan rebels enter Tripoli, crowds celebrate

    2011-08-22 10:56

    Jubilant rebel fighters streamed into the heart of Tripoli as Gadhafi's forces collapsed and crowds took to the streets to celebrate, tearing down posters of the Libyan leader.

  • Rebels seize Tripoli, inch toward victory

    2011-08-22 20:05

    Libyan government tanks and snipers put up scattered, last-ditch resistance in Tripoli on Monday after rebels swept into the heart of the capital, cheered on by crowds hailing the end of Muammar Gadhafi's 42 years in power.

  • The rise and fall of Gadhafi

    2011-08-23 08:24

    Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi's rule is crumbling after over four decades in power, after the rebel troops took control of much of the capital Tripoli on Sunday night and his son Saif al-Islam has been detained.

  • Son rallies loyalists for Gadhafi's fightback

    2011-08-23 10:19

    Saif al-Islam, the son of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi who rebels and the International Criminal Court said had been arrested, arrived late on Monday at the Tripoli hotel where foreign reporters are staying.
