World / US and Canada

UN, Russia aid Cuban hurricane victims

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-11-07 10:43

HAVANA - The UN World Food Program (WFP) on Tuesday announced that it was sending an emergency aid package to help victims of Hurricane Sandy in Cuba's hard-hit eastern region.

Spokeswoman Elisabeth Byears said in Geneva that the WFP planned to deliver a month's food provisions to half a million people living in the port city of Santiago de Cuba, where Sandy caused the most devastation.

According to the Cuban daily Granma, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called Cuban leader Raul Castro last week to convey his condolences for the deaths and damage caused by Sandy and suggested the UN funds provide aid for Cuba.

Meanwhile, local media said Castro met with Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov Monday to thank Russia for its generous donation of construction materials to help rebuild homes damaged by the storm.

Last week, a plane belonging to Russia's Ministry of Emergency Situations landed in Santiago de Cuba with 32 tons of construction materials.

Hurricane Sandy made its landfall in Cuba on Oct 25, leaving 11 dead, destroying thousands of homes and causing economic losses of about $90 million, according to preliminary figures.

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