World / Asia-Pacific

China urges rescue of tourist kidnapped in Malaysia

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-04-03 21:51

China urges rescue of tourist kidnapped in Malaysia

Malaysian policemen patrol near the site of kidnapping in Sabah State, Malaysia on April 3, 2014. China on Thursday appealed to Malaysian police to rescue a Chinese national abducted on Wednesday night by unknown gunmen in the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah. [Photo/Xinhua]

BEIJING - China on Thursday appealed to Malaysian police to rescue a Chinese national abducted on Wednesday night by unknown gunmen in the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a daily press briefing that the ministry and the consulate-general in Kuching were extremely concerned by the abduction and had immediately sent staff to the site.

China urged local police to conduct a rescue operation, ensure the abductee's safety, and take measures to protect other Chinese tourists, said Hong. 

Malaysia confirmed Thursday that a Chinese tourist and a Filipino resort worker were abducted by a group of unknown gunmen from Pulau Singahmata near Pulau Bum-Bum in Semporna, state of Sabah of Malaysia at around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Gao Huayun,29-year-old, from Shanghai was forced onto a waiting speedboat after she took a bath.

Shanghai tourism authorities started emergency procedures on Thursday following the the abduction.

A statement published at about 2 pm on Shanghai's microblog asks all travel agencies to warn outbound tourists of safety concerns.

Chinese tourists the Singamata Reef Resort in Sabah have left or plan to leave for home after a raid by gunmen who kidnapped a Chinese citizen.

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