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Supreme Court ruling makes pride parades historic, jubilant

(Agencies) Updated: 2015-06-29 08:18 Comments

Supreme Court ruling makes pride parades historic, jubilant

A couple carry an American flag and a rainbow flag during the annual Gay Pride parade in New York June 28, 2015. [Photo/Agencies] 

Hundreds of thousands of people packed gay pride events from Chicago to New York City, Seattle to San Francisco, with overall attendance for events expected in the millions. In New York City, organizers expected about 22,000 people to march while in San Francisco, organizers put the number at 26,000.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo used newly granted powers to officiate at the wedding ceremony of a same-sex couple in Manhattan. It was held in front of the Stonewall Inn, where in 1969 gay bar patrons stood up to a police raid, launching the modern gay rights movement.

State law did not allow Cuomo to officiate at wedding ceremonies until last week. The authority to do so was granted as part of a slew of legislation passed days ago.

Nikita Lowery, a 28-year-old resident of Chicago, said she decided to attend that city's parade for the first time this year. "I feel like it's a true celebration now," she said.

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