World / China-Brazil

Li arrives in Brasilia to sign agreements

[2015-05-19 00:33]

Premier Li Keqiang arrives in Brasilia to sign agreements on infrastructure, energy and aviation that experts say could reach at least $100b.

Flourishing Chinese enterprises witness enhanced Brazil ties

[2015-05-18 17:36]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's upcoming trip to Brazil is expected to uplift economic and trade ties between the two nations, which have been on a stable growth track since the diplomatic ties were forged in 1974.

Photo album to show friendship between China and Brazil

[2015-05-18 17:00]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will visit Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile on May 18-26.

Chinese company powers Brazil's huge dam

[2015-05-18 14:53]

A consortium including the State Grid Corporation of China and the Brazilian Electric Power Company won a bid to build a 2,000-km-long ultra-high voltage line transmitting hydropower from the Belo Monte Dam to the country's southeast region.

No easy ride for Chinese automakers

[2015-05-18 12:32]

Chinese automakers making footprints in South America should make more efforts to understand the local markets before coming up with expansion plans there, industry analysts said.

Value-added exports called ready for Chinese market

[2015-05-18 12:32]

Brazil should expand its exports of processed food to diversify the mix of goods sold to China, 79 percent of which are soybean, iron ore and oil products, said Jose Vicente Lessa, consul general of Brazil in Guangzhou.

Brazilian drivers have long track record chauffeuring China's elite

[2015-05-18 12:32]

To 70-year-old Brazilian driver Jose Aprigio, China isn't far away at all.

Premier Li's visit provides Brazil with timely opportunities

[2015-05-18 12:32]

As China's economic diplomacy has expanded to every corner of the world over the past decade, Latin America has been the recipient of much of that attention. Relations between China and the region have been strengthened and nowhere is this clearer than in Brazil.

Brazil concurs China on need to raise productive capacity: Brazilian diplomat

[2015-05-18 10:59]

Brazil concurs with China on the need to bolster bilateral cooperation to increase productive capacity, a senior Brazilian diplomat said.

China in Rio: subway, boats, schools

[2015-05-18 08:01]

China and Brazil are more than 20 hours apart by airplane. Their languages are as different as two worlds. Yet in recent years more and more Chinese elements can be seen in Latin America's largest country.

China, Lat Am ready for 'next level'

[2015-05-18 07:49]

Overall cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean is an affirmatively chosen option in China's global strategy and China is also a priority in Latin America's Asia-Pacific diplomatic strategy.

Brazil first stop on Li's LatAm visit

[2015-05-18 07:32]

Premier Li Keqiang is scheduled to arrive in Brazil on Monday, kicking off his first trip to Latin America after more than two years in office.