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A guide to Wuzhen

( Updated: 2015-12-08 14:56

A guide to Wuzhen

Free WIFI at tourist spots

To suit the mood of the World Internet Conference, the town developed an information and communications network, which has been tested and improved. Zhao Boquan, a deputy head of technical support for the conference, explains that the improvement to the network included two 10-GB and five 1-GB cables wired into the region so that all tourist attractions are covered with WIFI and there is 100-MB broadband everywhere, and "we hope that, in addition to enjoying the beauty of Jiangnan water town, our guests can also enjoy mobile network convenience".

In future, visitors will be able to connect to WIFI at any time via mobile phone or look for entertainment, whether they are resting beneath a tree next to the white-wall and tiled buildings, or enjoying some snacks in a cosy eatery, or lingering at the small bridges and looking at the water. Even more exciting, the WIFI coverage will be maintained for both local people, and for World Internet Conference participants.

Mobile payment in Wuzhen

In other places, if you find yourself without your wallet, or credit or debit cards, you might not be able to get very far. But, in Wuzhen, you can use your mobile phone to pay for your hotel stay, a meal or even just a lollipop through the convenience of the Internet. Also, in recent days, shops along West Gate St, Nvhong St, and Tongan St have been hanging out a tiny blue sign that indicates the shop supports Alipay. And, on streets where inns are found, people have found that it is common for visitors to ask about the price of a room or make a reservation by scanning the two-dimensional code and mobile payments are leading the way. The local management have explained that the Wuzhen tourist business has gone online and, in future, visitors will be able to pay for everything with their mobile phone. There will also be free WIFI, and card and ticket services that allow visitors to travel around Wuzhen without a wallet at all.


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